Webcams in the Region of Giebelstadt, Germany
Current local time in Giebelstadt: 20:07 - there is night already.
Webcams in the region of Giebelstadt:
Germany - Theilheim, 7.8 mi: TheilheimCam: Weathercam overlooking Theilheim, Germany, in southwestern direction.
Germany - Würzburg, 9.7 mi: View from Würzburg-Heidingsfeld: A nice panorama view over the city of Würzburg.
Germany - Röttingen, 10.1 mi: View onto Röttingen: A view from Brattenstein castle.
Germany - Lauda-Königshofen, 12.5 mi: Weathercam Lauda: Weather webcam at the southern town entrance of Lauda.
Germany - Bad Mergentheim, 13.7 mi: Market Square: View from the old town hall onto the market square and the twin houses.
Germany - Bad Mergentheim, 13.7 mi: Ketterberg: A live view from Bad Mergentheim.
Germany - Wertheim, 20.6 mi: Market Square: A view of Wertheim's market square.
Germany - Hasloch, 22.5 mi: Durchgangsstrasse: A view of the Durchgangsstrasse in Hasloch.
Germany - Hasloch am Main: Webcam Hasloch am Main - from Giebelstadt 22.7 mi away.
Germany - Gerolzhofen, 24.7 mi: Marketplace: Two hi-res webcams are showing Gerolzhofen's market place.
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